
sspm is a package manager inspired from 'makepkg' and the 'LFS' project.
it's a simple script written in bash, that you can use to build, install and manage your packages


the latest version is 1.0.8, released on August 20, 2023.
or browse the download page to get a specific release

Suported OS

This software is designed for linux-based systems built from source ( or if you want to build one )


Why sspm ?

sspm for simple script package manager

Releases history

v1.0.8 ------ released on August 20, 2023
sha256 (xz) : 6b711e71ef2253ddc640dc4657a634078e55e4aadce77019a40de92a2cd07d6e
sha256 (gz) : 4caebe1e3429cda916e886a441925ab57cb6727a4d8ff18d9e45128a9eb28b9f

v1.0.0 ------ released on February 2, 2022
sha256 : 5151ae50bfa2678aa4f83b67778478ee9d683be9d05b5f4435ae65b7f318ad11

Release note


See also

the pkgbuild files examples  ------  here
this is given by way of an example only, to see pkgbuild files editing methods and may be outdated.


GNU GPL v3+ or any later of your choise


build file name: pkgbuild or pkgbuild_foo is right

packar@pc:~/build$ ls
pkgbuild_e2fsprogs  pkgbuild_sassc
pkgbuild_elfutils   pkgbuild_pm-utils
pkgbuild_ell     pkgbuild_findutils
pkgbuild_file      pkgbuild_procps
pkgbuild_glibc     pkgbuild_psmisc
pkgbuild_libinput   pkgbuild_gcc
pkgbuild_gawk    pkgbuild_flex
pkgbuild_expat    pkgbuild_rustc
pkgbuild_guile     pkgbuild_fribidi
packar@pc:~/build$ sspm --destdir='../packages' -ib

and will ask you which package to build.

do not use comments in 'pkgbuild' files unless it's a file comment such as with the cat command
because the bash comment sign is used as maker by the software while reading the file
see pkgbuild files examples to learn more.